2023-2024 Lionbridge Interpretation Resource

The Lionsbridge contract has been renewed and this tool is ready for any staff member to use it to access interpretation services via phone calls when calling families whose first language is other than English. Here is the flyer.
This resource is intended to support your interpretation needs with family outreach. Lionbridge provides on-demand interpretation services as a 24/7/365 on-demand call-in interpretation resource that supports over 380 languages.
Please see the folder that includes the following resources:
  • short user guide for accessing the Lionbridge hotline that spells out the process for accessing the resource (this is an important one-pager with our unique access code, do NOT share this code)
  • flowchart to support staff in deciding when it is appropriate to utilize the Lionbridge resource (PLEASE use this flowchart so that we make judicious decisions on using this resource)
  • user guide with lots of helpful info to make your experience much more effective and enjoyable (a 4-page resource with helpful info on best practices when working with an their interpreters)
When using this service, please call the parent prior to conferencing in Lionbridge in case the parent doesn’t pick up.

Weekly Update 9/28-10/3

Happy Monday Sharks!

I hope you had an excellent weekend and had some quality downtime!

A very positive note to start your Monday. We have made contact with every student except one currently on our X2 roster. (A very normal thing for the beginning of the year, we are on it!) That is the highest percent of contact after the first full week that I have been a part of. Thank you to each one of you for making that happen. Special shout out to Sharon, Carmen, Cam, and Yolanda for their work behind the scenes. Keep up the great work! We hope to fill the technology needs this week.

Please find today’s updates here. I am sorry for the extra click; I felt slides were the best way to communicate these important updates with you.

Thank you,



  • Out Today: Meyers, Marino