Sokolowski Weekend Updates (for 11/22)

So excited for the Turkey Trot on Tuesday!

Here are some announcements for the week.

Report Card Dates

The report card window will open on 11/23.

Report cards and progress reports will be due 12/10.

We will send them home with students on 12/16.

PLT Routines

The goal is for PLTs to start promptly at 8:25. Please do not wait for coverage or for students to arrive before heading to PLT. Please leave your door shut on PLT days with a note for students to wait outside in a line until a teacher arrives, and review this routine with your class.

Staff stationed in the hallways, please be aware and help supervise students waiting outside rooms. If you have any concerns or questions, please check in with Nate or Cam.

Cafeteria Bathroom Passes

Starting Monday, students will need a bathroom pass when using the bathroom during breakfast and lunchtimes. There are three boys, and three girls passes that students must take with them.

This will hopefully reduce the number of students in the bathroom to a manageable number. Classroom teachers, please review this new routine with your classes on Monday. Thank you to the staff working in the cafeteria for managing the passes and usage of the bathroom.



Dismissal Routine

Dismissal routine reminders can be found HERE. We will monitor the effectiveness of the plan to see if modifications are needed.

iReady Survey 

Please take survey if you teach math.

Our use of iReady Math has been partially funded through the Accelerating Math Instruction for Students this year. As part of this funding, DESE asks us to provide some basic information about our experience using the program and the professional learning we received. Please take 3 minutes to complete this survey on your experience in the professional learning. Your survey response is anonymous; it does ask to identify our district name in order to make sure we are represented in the data. The results of the survey will not be used to evaluate our district work; it will be used to analyze the impact of the Accelerating Math Instruction for Students program in general. Thank you for this important information! 

Survey link:

Quick Hits:


  • Monday: HOmies PLT- coverage has been sent.
  • Tuesday: Paraprofessional PLT

Picture day is 11/30.

Schoolworks visit is 12/7

Sokolowski Weekend Updates (for 11/8)

Thank you for another great week! Enjoy the rest of your well deserved weekend

Here are some announcements for the week.

PLTs Week of 11/8

This week’s PLTs will focus on the Culture of Achievement (located in the AIP folder in our staff folder). We will use the C of A indicators to help grow our instruction.

A logistical note is third grade will have PLT on Monday, and other grade levels will stay on their regular day. 

Staff Meeting 11/9 @ 3-5 (per vote)

We will be joining forces with the Berkowitz School to learn about and apply the Depth of Knowledge Frameworks to our planning and instruction. 

We will start on Zoom ( and then have independent work time followed by a grade level debrief.

Action Needed: Bring one literacy and one math higher order thinking task that you will use in your classroom between Wednesday, 11/10 and your LASW PLT the week of 11/15. More details for those PLTs will be coming soon. If you have a question about what to bring, please check in with a coach, Nate or Cam. 

Note, you will get the most out of the PD if you bring a task you designed yourself rather than a team-designed task. In other words, we do not want a whole grade/team level to bring the same task.

Lastly, we will have time to complete the SEL survey and Soko “housekeeping” at the end of the meeting.

Parent Conferences November 17 from 5:00-7:00

You may host the conferences in person or over Zoom but must be present in the school building. Please choose the best option to communicate the information and accommodate parent preference when selecting a conference venue. We will have interpreters available. We will provide more details this week if questions arise. 

Picture Day is coming!

Picture day is November 30

Information to send home to families will be coming soon.

Soko Swag Store 

The store will remain open until Friday, 11/12. Orders will not be accepted after that date. Please talk it up to your students and get your orders in!

School Site council

JOIN Sokolowski School Site Council 

11/16/2021 at 5:00 PM

The school site council is composed of Parents, Teachers, Administrators, and Other School Personnel. The law requires that there be a school council at each public elementary school in the Commonwealth.

Become a member of our School Site Council, a caring group of people dedicated to improving the education of our children. Councils are to assist principals by reviewing the school building budget and developing the school improvement plan. Councils’ school improvement plans are to submit to the local school committee for review. 

At this meeting, we will meet and greet and discuss the school site council role, general school updates, establish dates for meetings, expectations, and public comment (on topics not on the agenda).

If you are interested in joining, please email Nate and Alexa. 


Sokolowski Weekend Updates (for 10/25)

I hope your weekend plans brought you joy and energy!

Here are some announcements for the week.

Sokolowski Swag

The Soko store is live for staff and students. Orders are due on November 5th and will be delivered to school by 11/19 for free, or you can choose to have it delivered to your home for a fee. Please share with your students and families. I will share on Dojo on Monday!

Instructional Rounds

The Sokolowski School will be participating in the district’s instructional rounds on November 18th.

What are Instructional Rounds/Walkthroughs?

Conducting instructional rounds is a process that school districts and schools use to better understand teaching and learning in schools in order to improve learning. In an instructional rounds session, a group of educators makes a series of visits to classrooms to observe what is taking place in the instructional core (the interactions between students and teachers in the presence of content). Observation notes are taken about a single learning problem (a “problem of practice”) identified by the school being observed. The observation notes are used to create a data picture of what has been seen in teaching and learning practices throughout the school. Then, these data and practices are shared with the school, not information about individual teachers or students.  Instructional rounds are non-evaluative. Adapted from the practice of medical rounds, instructional rounds aim to observe teaching and learning to discern root causes for problems identified by the school and to help the school and district create more productive outcomes. Distinct from supervision and evaluation, instructional rounds describe what is happening in classrooms and share observations with school leaders – and are not intended for evaluative purposes. 

Instructional Rounds/Walkthroughs in the Chelsea Public Schools

Instructional Rounds/Walkthroughs in the Chelsea Public Schools are for the District Leadership Team (DLT) to learn and calibrate. Again, these are non-evaluative for teachers and are not tied to teacher evaluation. Teacher evaluations and SchoolWorks walkthroughs are separate from Instructional Rounds/Walkthroughs. 

New Student Protocol: 

When receiving a new student, please complete computer assessments such as IReady and Imagine learning. Staff who feel comfortable administering a DIBELS benchmark assessment should also do so. If you would prefer someone else to administer, please reach out to Katie B. 

Please conduct these assessments during flex time, or reading assessments can be completed during writing or Read to Grow.

School Site council

JOIN Sokolowski School Site Council 

11/16/2021 at 5:00 PM

The school site council is composed of Parents, Teachers, Administrators, and Other School Personnel. The law requires that there be a school council at each public elementary school in the Commonwealth.

Become a member of our School Site Council, a caring group of people dedicated to improving the education of our children. Councils are to assist principals by reviewing the school building budget and developing the school improvement plan. Councils’ school improvement plans are to submit to the local school committee for review. 

At this meeting, we will meet and greet and discuss the school site council role, general school updates, establish dates for meetings, expectations, and public comment (on topics not on the agenda).

If you are interested in joining, please email Nate and Alexa. 

CHS Pathway Program Opportunity


The Pathways Program offers juniors an opportunity to concentrate their studies and gain wider exposure to a career of their choice. The program’s primary goal is to connect students’ academic work with potential career pathways.

Internships usually occur during the Spring semester, but some do year-round internships depending on the organization. 

Many students have shown interest in special education and EL. 

If this interests you, please let Nate know.

Quick Reminders:

  • PE classes will be held in the classroom next week Monday-Thursday for UMass Nutrition lessons.
  • Staff Meeting in music room 10/26 @3
  • If you need a red CPS safety vest, please check in with Ginelle. 


Sokolowski Weekend Updates (for 10/11)

Thank you to all those teachers that participated and encouraged students to participate in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month on Friday.

I hope you are having and continue to have a wonderful long weekend!

Here are some announcements for next week.

Concrete Pouring Begins 10/11

It is our turn to reroute traffic patterns. The Sokolowski gate and our main doors will be closed until further notice due to the pouring of concrete. For the time being, the community entrance and Hooks doors will be available for adults to enter and exit the building. Please see the slide deck (review notes at bottom of each slide) for arrival and dismissal routines, which will also be shared on Dojo with families. Please review slides and traffic patterns with students. Lastly, when leaving the building for recess and mask breaks, please use the community entrance doors. 

We will continue to monitor the efficiency of our plans and modify them as needed.

As always, reach out with questions or concerns.


If you know anyone or have access to post on networks please refer people to our Math Interventionist posting. Here is the link to the posting: 

Bus Drills 10/13/21

Please plan as a team for students who did not return consent to participate (bus and crosswalk part). 

HERE is the bus drill schedule and overview. Please review the document and reach out with any questions.

Reminder: Staff Meeting 10/12 @ 3

We will have our staff meeting this Tuesday, 10/12. We will start together in the music room. We will rotate through two stations: 

  1. Run Drill and IST
  2. DIBELS 8 Training

Nutrition Classes Starting

Starting this week, Healthy Chelsea will be teaching nutrition classes during specialist classes. They will continue for four weeks rotating through each specialist.

School Meeting Moved

The School Meeting that was scheduled for Friday, October 15 is being moved to Friday, October 22.  See Kathryn’s email for more information on the meeting’s focus.

Hearing and Vision Schedule

Please see the hearing and vision schedule for the week of 10/18. You will bring your class to the nurse at your assigned time. If you have a second adult at your designated time, I suggest splitting your group up, half in the room and a half at the nurse.


🔺Sokolowski Weekend Updates (for 9/27)🔺

Hopefully, you already know, you all are doing an amazing job. Thank you for your continued dedication to our and students and families. I am thankful to work with all of you.

Enjoy the rest of your beautiful Sunday!

Here are some announcements for next week.

iReady Schedule for this week

  • Please ensure that students have 45-60 minutes of “testing time” that does not include setting up and signing in.
    • The goal is still to start testing as close to your assigned time, not start setting up at that time.
    • See Schedule.


PLT Schedule Reminder

  • Katie or Matt will be leading our initial iReady training.
  • Meetings will take place in the art room.
  • 2nd grade’s PLT day will be Mondayall other grade levels will keep their regular scheduled day. 

Staff Meeting- Tuesday 9/28 (3-4)

  • The goal of the meeting is to analyze last year’s MCAS data.
  • We will meet in the music room.
  • Please bring a device.

Bus & Crosswalk Drills

  • Our drill day will be Tuesday, 10/5. 
  • The logistics and schedule will be shared by the end of the week.
  • The Drill will run roughly 45-60 minutes per class between 8:45-11.

Professional Development Day Reminders- Wednesday 9.29

Playground and Construction Update

  • They will be pouring concrete this week in front of Kelly and Berkowitz. If this week goes as planned, they should be able to open their doors on 10/4. What does that mean for us?
    • There will be NO ACCESS from Kelly OR Berko entrances during Tuesday-Friday. (except in case of emergency)
    • We CAN use the playground IF we access it by going down the bus lane and then through the Berkowitz gate

AIP and PD Plan Follow Up


🔺Sokolowski Weekend Updates🔺

As always, great job this week. Operations have started to find a rhythm—everything from the fire drill to dismissal. This will allow us to continue maximizing instructional time and learning time for our students 💪. Please continue to stay vigilant! It is great to have the building alive with all of us here. 

Lastly, get your rest this weekend because next week is our first FULL week of the 21-22 school year. Woohoo!!!

Here are some updates and announcements to help you start your week.

  • PLTs will start next week. The objective will be to develop norms and expectations for our collaborative work.
    • PLTs will start at 8:25 and end at 9:05 Tuesday-Friday.
      • Starting with 1st grade
    • Coverages can be found HERE
    • Please make arrangements with your coverage before your PLT so we can begin promptly at 8:25.

  • Emergency Forms- Please continue to collect emergency forms. The goal is to have 100% by the end of next week.
    • By Wednesday, 9/15, or sooner, if you have >90% return rate, please make a copy of your emergency forms for the office. Along with:
        • Highlighting the students that still need to return an emergency form (A homeroom list will be in the homeroom teacher’s mailbox by Monday morning).  

  • Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program (FFVP) starts next week.
    • It will be served Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:15-10:45.
    • You can pick up your fruit or veggie in the back of our cafeteria. 
    • You can come down as a class to eat a snack as part of a mask break or send a student down to collect the fruit or veggie, and you can eat later.
      • Remember, students must be at least 3 feet apart when masks are off.
      • I suggest taking your snack break outside or in the cafeteria. 

  • Quick hits:
    • We are still waiting on red take-home folders and other supplies.
    • Please drop your classroom seating chart HERE.
    • Don’t forget to add in the lunch seating chart as well. HERE
    • Our first school meeting of the year will be on October 1st. More information will be shared next week.