Sokolowski Weekly Updates (for 5/2)

I hope you had a fabulous weekend and enjoyed the weather. Sunday! 💯

We are looking forward to celebrating you all this week. We have some fun things planned to honor the fantastic work you do. 

Here are some announcements to help you start the week. 

Math MCAS update

We will test third and fourth grade on different days to provide students with the support they need. Updated dates:

4th grade: 5/16 and 5/17

3rd grade: 5/18 and 5/19

We will communicate this to families. 

Hiring Committees

We will begin interviewing for some of our open position. If you want to get involved in interviewing and selecting possible new colleagues, please reach out to Nate or Cam.

AIP Writing 2022-2023

If you are interested in helping us update next year’s AIP and create a plan for professional development opportunities, please reach out to Nate or Cam.

We have PLTs reserved starting on 5/16.  The goal will be to keep the work to PLTs. However, there may be work outside of school time. All time outside of school hours will be compensated.

Please reach out with any questions.

Masks will be optional on May 9th

As you know, masks will be optional for students and adults beginning May 9th. To prepare students, the district has created a social story and lesson plan for teachers to use with students. Here is the folder.

We will be communicating with families again this week to ensure everyone feels safe and respected.

Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or special-case situations.

Curriculum Council Posting is up!

Here’s the link:

Woohoo! i-Ready data is moving 📈

Excellent work, Sharks!

78% of students met their usage goals in math.75% of students met their usage goals in reading.

Important end of year dates

Cultural Night: 6/9

Field Day: 6/14

Moving on Ceremony: 6/23

More details in the coming weeks, but mark your calendars.

Field Trips

Field trips can now be approved. They must be outdoors, and we can take busses as long as windows are open. If you or your grade level would like to take a field trip, please put together a proposal and email me. I have funds available, and I will allocate them based on each proposal’s needs to keep student cost low.

Chelsea Public Schools- Youth Mental Health Event

The district is hosting a Mental Health and Wellness Event next Friday, May 6th from 3-5 and is looking for staff to help out. You will be paid at the contractual rate! CPS staff can sign up individually or a team/program/school can sign up collectively to run a station/table.   All CPS staff who participate will be compensated the contractual rate.   Here’s the link for staff to sign-up.

Reflecting on Roles: Invitation to 1:1 Conversation

If you are interested in exploring a new role in the future, please sign up for a 1:1 conversation with Nate or Cam. These informal chats will be a chance to reflect on your current position and your hopes, concerns, aspirations, and curiosities about future opportunities at the Sokolowski School. Feel free to email either of us with times that would work to meet.