Sokolowski Weekly Updates (for 1/31)


Here are some updates to start your week.

CPS Panorama Winter 2022 Equity Surveys-Admin Window 1/31-2/11

The district is conducting the Panorama Winter 2022 Equity Survey for all staff and students. Please consider completing the survey during PLT time this week. Please make sure you complete by 2/11!

Staff Survey Link (if you have not yet taken the survey):


  • Students will use their Student IDs as access codes at
  • If a student has trouble accessing their survey, please contact the Support team with the name of the student, their school, their grade level and their ID number at

Administering Surveys:

  • This article goes through all the steps necessary to take a survey, including some helpful walkthrough videos.
  • Here is a Proctor Guide for any staff who will be helping their student access the survey.

Springboard Teaching Opportunity

Chelsea is hosting a 10-week literacy program in the spring to support students in grades 1-3 students in reaching reading goals. The program is seeking teacher and paras to lead small group phonics-based literacy instruction and facilitate family workshops to teach family members how best to support their readers at home.

The link for the teacher posting is here: *It is grant funded through DESE so it’s not the typical talent ed application. 
The link for the para posting in talent ed is here:

Student at-home COVID Tests

This Friday, we will distribute opted-in kids’ test kids similarly to how we do the test tubes. You will get a bag with tests. a labeled class list, and a handout to support administration at home. We will also have a flyer to encourage students that did not opt-in to participate.

Sokolowski Weekly Updates (for 1/24)

Here are some announcements and updates for your week.


Here is the iReady Schedule again. Thanks, JZ!

Coaches will open the test in the morning on the day of your test and not right before the test starts.

Also, if you see a mistake on the Schedule, please let JZ know ASAP.

As a reminder here are the iReady Assessment Scheduling Guidelines.

Chromebook Updates

Few updates about Chromebooks at home for students:

  • Third-grade Chromebooks are not ready and have not been given out yet.
  • Thank you to all who gave the updated barcodes sheet to Mercy or imputed directly into x2.
  • Compile as many contracts as possible for your class, label the set and put them in Mercy’s mailbox. If a student does not bring back the contract – that is okay – they can still have a Chromebook. Mercy has extra copies if needed.
  • Remind students to keep the Chromebooks at home and not bring them back and forth to school every day.
  • Please let Mercy know about broken Chromebooks/chargers, and she will connect with Richard W.
  • Homework is not required. The slideshow with a variety of choice boards and websites to post in your Google Classroom/Seesaw are to support you and your students in using in a way that works best for you.

This week’s PLTs and Staff Meetings

Tomorrow’s staff meeting will be in the cafeteria.

This week’s PLTs will be team-facilitated, focusing on Black History Month. 

Please note 1st Grade PLT will now be on Thursday. The 1st-grade paraprofessional will cover grade 1 classrooms, and we will use the already scheduled coverage for third grade (i.e. where specialists will cover). 3rd grade will meet in the art room, and 1st grade will meet in the lab.

*For next week, you will receive an email from Katie or JZ based on your focus on looking at student work PLT.

Music Room Switch- Reminder

Starting Monday January 24th we will be having music classes in the small music room (k-214).

Please do not cut through large music room. Please use the Kelly stairs by cutting through the library or the community entrance.

COVID Updates

  • Sokolowski COVID forum 1/28 @ 3:00-3:30 in cafeteria
    • Our first monthly COVID session for questions, concerns, general information. We will share more at the staff meeting.
  • Antigen Test Opt-in form (see Adam’s email from 1/21 for more info)

Delegation of authority

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I will be out of the building at a leadership retreat as part of my work with Boston College’s Lynch Leadership Academy. Since I will not be available for immediate support, please see Cam or Sharon. They will help support any student or adult needs in the building on both days. 

I will still have access to email and phone, but I wanted to make sure there was a plan for the day-to-day operation. 

If you need to call out sick, you can still call or text me.


iReady Assessment Scheduling Guidelines

We know January brings many assessments. We also know that managing and planning time to prioritize these assessments can be demanding. Therefore, we will try a more flexible iReady testing schedule this time around. Hopefully, this will give you the flexibility to schedule the iReady assessments at a time that works best for you and your class based on DIBELS, ACCESS, and your daily instruction. Please see the guidelines below:

  • iReady Assessment Scheduling Guidelines
    • Use corresponding content area blocks on two consecutive days (ELA- use Read Together, Math- use math block).
    • Testing window opens 1/24
    • All whole group testing should be done by 2/4
      • We suggest picking one week for ELA and the other week for math.
      • Action Required: Once you determine your dates, please complete this GOOGLE FORM to document testing days and times, so we can plan supports and possible adjustments to the ACCESS schedule. 
        • Please complete by 1/21
    • Allyson will check in with teachers with multiple students needing accommodations to align test dates.
    • Makes up and extra time (by 2/11):
      • Students requiring more time should use flex blocks.
      • Make up should be facilitated in class and can be done during a content block and/or flex blocks.
      • Or at a preferred time that will minimize disruption to learning.

These are just guidelines, and we understand each classroom has its own needs and context. We trust you to be autonomous and work within the guidelines. However, if you have questions or need support making a plan, please reach out to anyone on the ILT. We are happy to help!

Chromebook Distribution Update!

Good Morning!
As mentioned, we are excited that Chromebooks will now be available to all of our students. While we understand that with this opportunity comes some additional steps for most of you, we appreciate your help in getting these Chromebooks home starting this Friday. If more time is needed, please ensure they are passed out by 1/21.
Mercy so kindly drafted the below email and created the slide deck, which provides suggestions on ways to use the Chromebooks to extend learning time opportunities for students.
As we embark on utilizing this technology more frequently, please reach out to Cam or me if you have questions or thoughts.
Again thank you all for your support around our Chromebook distribution!

Hi Sokolowski!

I am very excited that the Chromebooks will be available to go home with students!  Chromebook distribution info was posted in a previous blog post. As Nate mentioned, this will was in the works for a while now, and is not an emergency situation. It is a great opportunity for students to be connected and engaged with online learning activities at home.

Few details:

-Chromebooks will be delivered to classrooms on Friday, January 14. 

-When you receive your chromebooks, chargers, and contracts, you will also receive three stickers for each student/chromebook. One sticker goes on the chromebook, one goes on the charger, and one goes on the contract. It’s super important that you record (on the recording sheet from IT) which students gets which chromebook. 

-Students will then take the contract home, get them signed by their grown up, and return them to school. Recording sheet will be collected so we can enter numbers into X2.

-Below is an example of a signed contract with the sticker and device number written on it.

-You will receive earbuds, log in/Clever cards in your mailboxes for your students to take home 

-Here is a slideshow that was created with suggested activities, choice boards for students to use at home, as well materials for quarantine students. 

Reach out to me if you need more information or clarification. I am also happy to visit with classrooms to explain to students or work with teachers as well in creating these assignments. You can make an appointment using this link.


Chromebook Contract


Sokolowski Weekly Updates (for 1/10)

I am incredibly grateful for our team of Sharks! Thank you for everything you did last week to make our return to school the best it could be. It was not an easy return, but we did it! A little help from mother nature was also appreciated.

We will continue to get through this together, as we always do! 

I know there is a lot on your plate and mind, so I hope these announcements help you start your week.

Thank you!

Morning Announcements

Thanks to the SEL team, we will start having morning announcements over the loudspeaker in the morning. I will start them at 8:35 (right after the bell rings). Please give your students a heads up, so they are not startled in the morning.


Please do not leave unwanted furniture in the hallways. If you would like something removed, please check in with Nate. If you have already put something in the hallway, please bring it back into your classroom.

This includes the stand-up desks that were delivered just before winter break. I hoped they would give you and your students some other working options. The goal is to have two per classroom. If you really do not want it, please check in with Nate.

Chromebook Distribution

I want to put this on your radar that a goal for the end of this week or the beginning of next week is to send home Chromebooks with our students. This has been in the works since the summer and isn’t for any emergency reason. Hopefully, this will allow our students to engage with meaningful homework and allow students that are quarantining to stay engaged with their learning. This would enable teachers to be more efficient in “leaving” the work for students on Google Classroom. Mercy or Nate will be reaching out soon with the next steps.


ACCESS testing starts this week for grades 1-4. Your grade-level ESL teacher sent you a schedule with details. Questions should be filtered through them first, Cam and Nate are here to help too.

You can find the calendar and information about grade-level testing and student accommodations on the ACCESS SCHEDULE

The ACCESS window has been extended to March 4. We’ll adhere to the current schedule, but the extension will allow more time for makeup tests.

Morning Duties- Updated

Please see updated moring duty posts HERE (from 8:25-8:35). Some posts may have shifted, so please check the document. Please arrive at your post by 8:25 to support our students’ arrival.

School Meeting

School Meeting has been rescheduled to this Friday, 1/14.

PLTs Week of 1/10

PLTs will focus on the History and Social Studies standards and be facilitated by Laura Hubert. Meetings will take place in the art room.

In House Copy Machine

Our usage numbers for the in-house devices are very high. We have currently made over 100,000 copies on the in-house printers and devices. We will continue to monitor individual teacher numbers hoping that the reminders below help decrease our total numbers. 

  • Please plan ahead and send class sets to the copy center. Class sets on the in-house copy machines should be kept to a minimum.
  • Please fix the paper jams that you create.  
    • We notice people are jamming a machine and then going to another device to make the same copies. As a result, once the original machine is unjammed, your papers are printed and not picked up or used. This is a waste of paper.
  • Please clean up the copies, originals, or other resources you bring to the copy machine area. Many papers are left behind.
  • Do not make copies of materials that can be done in a notebook or on paper in the supply closet.
    •  After looking through papers left behind, I noticed copies of lined paper, math questions that could be done in a journal, and paper with only 1-2 questions on a whole sheet of paper.

Looking for Morning Greeters

We are still looking for 1-2 Sokolowski School staff members to be greeters. If you are interested or have questions, please let me know. It is a paid position from 7:50-8:20. See job description:

Greeters – at least 4 school staff will be positioned along the drop off lane and towards the Community Entrance. They will greet vehicles dropping students off, help open doors so students can get out quickly, and direct students towards the proper entrance. (Community Entrance for Hooks and Sokolowski and playground side for Berkowitz and Kelly). They will ask parents to wait until the proper location before dropping students off. Assigned locations are:

  • at drop off area,
  • before drop off area to ask parents to wait before opening car doors,
  • near playground entrance to ask parents to wait before opening car doors and direct Kelly and Berkowitz students to entrances, and
  • along sidewalk to Community Entrance to direct Hooks and Sokolowski students to entrance. 

Staff Meeting 1/11

FACULTY MEETING is on Tuesday 1/11. The faculty meeting will be held on Zoom and as per Superintendent Abeyta, “during a contractually obligated staff meeting, staff should participate from campus with their cameras on. Staff should not participate in a staff meeting from their car or from home.”

The Sokolowski School will be combining with the Berkowitz School to host SEL choice sessions on 5 topics to choose from and the session will last for the entire faculty meeting.  All staff members who attend faculty meetings must sign up for ONE of the choice sessions they would like to attend using this SIGNUP FORM.

For more details see email from 1/5.

COVID Reminders Post

See link to COVID reminder post HERE

Please be vigilant with reminding students to wear their masks properly. Also, please remind students to put their masks back on when they are done eating lunch.


COVID Reminders

I know there is a lot of information coming at you regarding COVID protocols and communication. I tried to compile the critical reminders here. 

I am grateful for your patience, flexibility and diligence during these unprecedented times.

If you think I missed something, please let me know. Also, if you have a question on anything COVID related, please check in with me via email or in person. I am happy to help. 

  • Please be vigilant with wearing your mask and ensuring that students have their masks on and above their noses
    • You should be wearing your mask in your classroom or office space when other adults are present. 
    • When eating your lunch, please ensure at least six feet of separation.
  • Update seating charts:
    • Classroom seating charts can be added HERE
    • Cafeteria seating charts HERE.
  • How do we handle lunch for those returning after a 5-day isolation? 
    • Do NOT isolate. Students should wear masks while in line and at all times when not actually eating. Once actual eating is complete, they should put the mask back in immediately. No specific distancing is required, but distance as much as possible. Again, do not isolate or put them off to the side of the caf. 
  • KN 95 masks are available in the office. Please do not take more than one package at a time. Once you use up the 5, you can take another pack.
    • Please see the email from Adam Deleidi for more details on these masks.
  • If you have not received a rapid test, please see Nate.
  • The shortened quarantine period is based on asymptomatic cases or improved symptoms (can return on day six without a fever and without a productive cough for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication. The at-home period may be reduced to 5 days, but the individual must continue to mask (unless eating at a distance) outside the home for five more days. 
  • Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks following the completion of the Pfizer or Moderna series or two weeks following a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. Please see footnote #5 on the Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios – SY 2021-22 (Highlighted) 
  • Vaccinated close contacts are exempt from Testing and Quarantine Protocols. Please see page 3 on the Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios – SY 2021-22 (Highlighted) 

Artifacts Due Friday, January 7 for Developing educators

Due Friday, January 7 – Developing educators (non-status teachers)

Complete the “Educator Impact on Student Learning…” form in TeachPoint. 

To create a form, login to TeachPoint, click new in the upper right corner and select Educator Impact on Student Learning, Progress on Goals, and Artifacts Submission form. When you are finished completing the form, remember to click the toggle button to “on” to share the document with us. Your evaluator will use the formative assessment form to evaluate your mid-year performance. The artifacts linked to the standard indicators will help the evaluator document and capture the teacher’s performance beyond what was seen during observations.


Not limited to the following but here are some suggestions for artifacts that support your practice that we cannot observe in the classroom:

  • Parent Communication
    • newsletters
    • sample dojo posts or communication (not all but an example from your records)
    • sample call log or emails (not all but an example from your records)
  • Parent Involvement
    • Special events for your classroom that you planned
    • Events you have attended
  • Professional Development
    • Your involvement in a coaching cycle
    • Meetings or PD worth highlighting
  • Goal Documentation
    • Data to support the progress on your goal
  • Other ways you make the learning environment engaging
    • Book Buddies
    • Participation in school meeting
    • Honoring student voice and culture
    • Etc…

If you have a specific question on the artifact process, please check in with your evaluator or mentor.

MCB Library Schedule this week

January Library Schedule
Grades 1-2: There will be no regular classes the week of January 3-7, to allow time for us to process and shelve hundreds of new books that have arrived (yay!), and to make sure all of the electrical work is complete. The schedule will then resume 1/10:
  • January 10-14: Week A (Sokolowski & Hooks)
  • January 18-21: Week B (Berkowitz & Kelly) Monday classes will meet Wednesday this week due to the holiday
Grades 3-4 (& Kelly 5-6): There will be no open checkout for the first part of this week — stay tuned for an update email with options for checkout times later in the week, as well as the January lesson signup.
Of course, teachers are still able to check out books anytime this week, as well as return student books! Email Laura with any questions.

Sokolowski COVID Updates

Hi Sharks,

Happy New Year! I hope you are having a nice vacation and holiday. As we prepare to return to school amid spiking case counts, I want to reassure you we have a plan and are prepared to adjust and respond as needed. 

As of Sunday morning, I expect people to be out for various reasons, but we are still within our capacity to cover classes and manage daily operations with minimal disruption to learning. 

There is still potential for more reported cases before Monday and during this week. If that is the case, we may need to ask more paras to sub, ask some staff to cover the lunchroom and help with dismissal. As far as PLTs go, we have a lighter schedule this week, and we will monitor staff attendance to determine if we will run PLTs. The good news is there is no PLT Monday as we get a lay of the land. 

Coverage plans will be shared out as we have always done (an email from me). For those that I know will be covering classrooms tomorrow (Monday), I will share plans tonight. 

As always, please monitor your email for potential coverages and use the whiteboard in the office to see if staff absences impact your class.

While it is difficult to predict the future, we may need to be creative and utilize staff members who typically do not cover a classroom. I will share more of those thoughts if I believe those decisions are necessary in the upcoming weeks. My goal will always be to make coverage decisions that cause the least disruption to teaching and learning. I will communicate any changes we need with as much lead time as possible.

If you have any other questions or concerns or need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

If you test positive for COVID before Monday or at any time, please follow our standard sick call procedure by calling or texting me when you know you will be out. 

Here is the updated Department of Public Health / Dept of Elem & Secondary Ed guidelines HERE (updates in yellow).

Don’t forget- Rapid test distribution to staff: Sunday 10-2 at the MCB Complex.

  • The rapid test distribution will occur from 10:00-2:00 on Sunday. CPS staff will be on-site to manage the distribution
  • It will be a drive-through service. The distribution will occur in the bus lane at the Complex. Staff are asked to enter the bus lane via Crescent Avenue and exit onto Eastern Avenue. 
  • Please bring your CPS identification card with you. You will need this in order to receive the rapid test kit. 
  • If a line develops in the drive-through, please remain patient. Our staff on-site will move cars through as quickly as possible.
  • If you cannot come on Sunday, test kits will be available at school on Monday.

Please note, our standing weekly updates blog post will be shared tomorrow morning. I will include developing COVID logistics and resources (i.e. where to pick up your KN 95 mask and other supplies). I ask that you please check the blog daily as this will be the platform where I will be sharing the most up to date information for the school. 

Thank you again for your flexibility and support as this situation evolves.

Enjoy your last day of break.




Nate Meyers, Principal
Frank M. Sokolowski School
300 Crescent Avenue
Chelsea, MA 02150
Office: (617) 466-5450

Pronouns: He/Him/His (what’s this?)