Sokolowski Weekly Update: Week of 3/24/25

Well, we are almost through…

We are heading into the last full week of March, and it’s a big one with Parent Conferences and Report Cards going home. Thanks for continuing to show up for our students and each other during this long haul. Let’s keep the energy up as we approach MCAS season and the final stretch of the year!

Refresher on Morning Assignments and Postings

Now that the weather is getting nicer and students are spending more time outside during morning recess, it’s important for us to be on time in our assigned posts and continue to support student interactions to ensure a smooth start to the day. To help with this, you can find below:

  • The updated Morning Duty (7:50-8:20 paid duty)
  • The updated Regular Morning Assignments (where non-classroom teachers must be at 8:20am):

The goal is to ensure that all students enter the building and their classrooms in a safe and orderly manner.

Thank you for your attention to this and for helping create a calm and structured start to the day!

Staff Meeting & Strategy Study Reflection

The upcoming Staff Meeting on 3/25 will focus on reflecting on our learning from the Strategy Study.

All teaching and observations must be completed by 3/24, so please ensure you have wrapped up your observations beforehand.

Staff should come to the meeting prepared with:

  • Their Promoting Rigor Through Higher Level Questioning book
  • The completed Observation Tool

We look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and applying our learning to further enhance instructional practices!

Parent-Teacher Conference Night – Thursday, March 27

Our Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are this Thursday from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Please continue reaching out to families to encourage high attendance.

Some teachers have asked about meeting with parents before 5:00pm. This is allowed; however, since it is outside of conference hours, you will be responsible for escorting the parent in and out of the building, as the building is not open to families before 5pm. (We don’t want to upset our friends at the security desk!).

Please ensure all final meetings wrap up by 7:00pm so security can complete their final sweep of the building.

Paraprofessionals: We are still looking for support with interpretation that night. Compensation will be provided. So far, we’ve only heard from two paras. If you are available to support, please let Cam know in advance so payroll can be arranged.

MCAS Around the Corner

With Grade 3 MCAS quickly approaching (April 1 & 2), we ask everyone to continue tidying up transitions around the school. It is essential that all students navigate hallways safely and quietly to prevent disruptions to office operations and instruction in nearby classrooms.

We appreciate everyone’s support in reinforcing these expectations and ensuring a focused learning environment for all students!

PLTs This Week

  • Monday (3/24): Non-classroom teachers who will be providing accommodations during MCAS will attend the MCAS Accommodators PLT.
  • Tuesday-Friday: Regular Grade Level PLTs will take place as scheduled with regular coverage.

PLTs this week will focus on Data Analysis for Cycle 4 of RtG Groups, facilitated by Katerina & the Reading Specialists. Please be prepared to engage in data-driven discussions as we continue refining our instructional support for students!

Important Dates:

  • 3/25/25 – Soko Staff Meeting (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
  • 3/27/25 – Parent Conferences Night (5:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
  • 3/28/25 – Send Report Cards Home
  • 4/1/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 1
  • 4/2/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 2
  • 4/3/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/4/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 2/2)
  • 4/8/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 1
  • 4/9/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 2
  • 4/10/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/10/25 – Soko-Literacy & Math Night (5:00 – 6:30 p.m.)
  • 4/11/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 2/2)
  • 4/16/25 – Spring Picture Day
  • 4/17/25 – Pyramid of Success – Fitness, Skill & Team Spirit (1:50 – 2:30 p.m.)
  • 4/18/25 – NO SCHOOL – GOOD FRIDAY
  • 4/19/25 – 4/27/25 – No School – Spring Break
  • 5/13/25 – Math MCAS Grade 3 – Day 1
  • 5/14/25 – Math MCAS Grade 3 – Day 2
  • 5/15/25 – Math MCAS Grade 4 – Day 1
  • 5/16/25 – Math MCAS Grade 4 – Day 2
  • 5/19/25 – 5/23/25 – Math MCAS Make Ups

HOMie News (March 2025)

We all know March is brutal (no holidays!), but have no fear – the HOMies are here!

Whether they are singing, doing math, or building outfits out of recycled materials – our students have been tapping into the HOMies in so many different ways this past month. I hope these photos remind you of all the learning, growing, and joy that fill our classrooms on a daily basis!

Thank you to everyone who submitted photos once again! Please continue documenting any HOMie moments you come across to help with next month’s newsletter. You can email your photos to Mr. F at with a short blurb explaining the connection to the HOMies. 
I hope you enjoy this newest installment of HOMie news!
HOMie news photos

Parental Consent Required for Google Services

As a Google Workspace for Education client, CPS must comply with Google’s updated Terms of Service, which now require parental consent for students under 18 to access Additional Google Services like Google Earth, Google Maps, and YouTube.

To address this mid-year change, a communication and consent form was sent via ParentSquare (see screenshot below). Families must complete the form by March 31. Students without consent will lose access to these additional services (Google Earth, Google Maps, and YouTube) on their Chromebooks until the form is submitted. The message also included this video with directions on completing a form on PS.

Moving forward, this consent will be required annually and will be included in the summer consent forms for the new school year.

No action required on our end. We are sharing this information in case families reach out to you with any questions.


Sokolowski Weekly Update: Week of 3/17/25


Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all who celebrate! 🍀 As we kick off another week, we’re reminded that Wednesday’s Early Release Day might just be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – if that gold were extra planning time and professional development! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication as we move through March – the longest shortest month of the year! Let’s make it a great week!

Early Release Day – 3/19/25

Please refer to this document for a detailed overview of the school day, including the Grade 3/4 STEM fair and lunch schedules.

For the PD sessions in the afternoon, all teachers and paraprofessionals will attend two workshops. Workshop choices were sent out last week, and everyone should have already registered.

  • Click here to view the choice workshop descriptions (Sokolowski choices are on the Late School tab).
  • You must enroll in your two sessions in Vector before March 19 in order to sign in that day and receive PDPs.

If you have any questions, please reach out to coordinators, coaches, or leads.

Important Reminder: Allergy Awareness and Lunch Expectations

Recently, the other three elementary schools in the complex have had emergency situations related to food allergies. One incident was caught by a paraprofessional who noticed a student eating something shared with them in the cafeteria. Although the item did not contain peanuts, it was manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts, triggering a reaction. Thanks to the para’s attentiveness, the student received their medication promptly at the nurses office, and emergency services were alerted in time.

With this in mind, we are asking all staff to take a moment to refresh their familiarity with the allergies in their classrooms. Additionally, please remind students about our nut-free policy and reinforce our no-sharing food expectation.

  • Teachers, to ensure students understand the importance of these policies, please take five minutes before lunch on Monday to review these expectations with your class.
  • Paraprofessionals covering lunch should continue to actively monitor students and reinforce these expectations in the cafeteria.

Below are district-provided resources with additional information about food allergies and best practices:

Also, please refer to a previous blog post about SOKO Guidelines for Celebratory Events and Birthday Treats.

Thank you all for your diligence in keeping our students safe.

Report Cards – Trimester 2

Grades due in Aspen for admin review on Wednesday, 3/19. Remember to POST each rubric for admin to view and print.

For detailed resources and guidance, visit the Elementary Standards-Based Report Card Website. Additional Aspen resources, including Keys for Grade-Level Standards, Comments/Goals, and a recorded Gradebook training, can be accessed HERE.

Important Reminders:

  • Every T2 standard should be graded in alignment with assessments/data collected throughout the trimester.
  • Mastery Grading Key for T2:
    • O (Green): On Track
    • T (Yellow): Working Toward the Standard
    • B (Red): Working Below the Standard
    • M (Blue): Meeting the Standard (only for standards assessed exclusively in T2).
  • Comments and goals should align with grades when possible. Each student should receive 3 comments and 2 goals from the menu.
  • Reading Foundational Standards: Use DIBELS 8 Benchmark and Progress Monitoring Data, iReady Diagnostic Data, and From Phonics to Reading formative assessments to determine mastery levels.
  • For special circumstances (e.g., new students or students who changed classrooms), discuss grading with admin.

For any questions or assistance, reach out to Laura Hubert ( or Katie Schubmehl (

Panorama Surveys are Coming Up!

The next student panorama survey window will be April 1-12. As a reminder our focus areas are learning strategies for grade 1 & 2 and self-efficacy for grades 3 & 4. Both of these areas can be boosted by utilizing the HOMies, swagtags and reminding students of strategies to use when stuck in certain content areas. Below are more specific ways to measure these focus areas:

HERE is a google survey that can be used to measure 3rd/4th grade self efficacy.

HERE is a link to a seesaw that can be used to measure 1st/2nd grade learning strategies.

Please reach out with any questions.

SEL Team

PLT this Week 

Regular Grade-Level PLTs are canceled this week so we can focus on Strategy Study work and complete our vertical observations by March 24.

With that said, Grade 3 and 4 teachers and accommodations providers will meet for their annual MCAS training on:

  • Tuesday (3/18) – Grade 3
  • Thursday (3/20) – Grade 4

Important Dates

  • Week of 3/17 – Common Writing Assessment #3: Math (Grades 3-4)
  • 3/19/25 – T2 Grades Due in X2
  • 3/19/25 – Early Release Day and STEM Fair for Grades 3 and 4
  • 3/21/25 – HOMies and World Down Syndrome Day School Meeting (1:50 – 2:30 p.m.)
  • 3/25/25 – Soko Staff Meeting (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
  • 3/27/25 – Parent Conferences Night (5:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
  • 3/28/25 – Send Report Cards Home
  • 4/1/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 1
  • 4/2/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 2
  • 4/3/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/4/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 2/2)
  • 4/8/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 1
  • 4/9/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 2
  • 4/10/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/11/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 2/2)

Alongside is Now Available for All Staff!

We are excited to share that Alongside is now available to all staff in Educator Mode!

While our 4th-grade students have been using Alongside to develop self-awareness and emotional regulation, this new staff version is designed specifically to support you – both as an educator and as a professional.

What is Alongside?

Alongside is an AI-powered platform designed to support emotional well-being, goal setting, and professional growth. It provides on-demand coaching, strategies for managing stress, and tools to enhance your work in the classroom.

In 4th grade, students have been using Alongside with Kiwi the Llama, an AI chat assistant that helps them reflect on emotions and challenges in a safe, structured way. This tool has helped students improve self-regulation and problem-solving skills.

Now, with Educator Mode, all staff can access Alongside for their own professional and personal use!

How Alongside Can Support You

Professional Growth & Goal Setting:

  • Set personal and career goals with structured guidance.
  • Reflect on challenges and track progress over time.
  • Access professional development resources tailored to educators’ needs.

Classroom Management Support:

  • Get real-time strategies for handling classroom challenges.
  • Explore techniques for engaging students and fostering positive behavior.
  • Use Alongside to develop student-centered interventions based on their emotional needs.

Well-Being & Work-Life Balance:

  • Use mood tracking and reflection tools to build self-awareness.
  • Access stress management techniques to maintain balance.
  • Find self-care strategies designed for educators.

Alongside Access for School Staff

How to Get Started

  1. Access Alongside via Clever or at
  2. Download the Alongside app on your phone for easy access anywhere.
  3. Sign in with Google and make sure are are using your Chelsea account.
  4. Explore Educator Mode. Check out the tools, coaching, and strategies available.

This is a resource designed to support you, just as we’ve seen it support our students. We encourage you to explore it, take advantage of the tools, and see how it can enhance your experience as an educator.

Watch this short 2-min video for an overview: Alongside Overview

⚠️ Note: Alongside for students is only available for 4th graders in the elementary level.

Sokolowski Weekly Update: Week of 3/10/25

Welcome Sharks!

Welcome to another week at Soko! We spring forward today, meaning we lost an hour of sleep but gained a little more daylight.

If you’re feeling a little off this morning, you’re not alone! The good news? Brighter days are ahead, and we’re moving closer to spring and warmer weather.

Thank you for bringing your energy and positivity as we take on another great week together!

Parent Conferences – Thursday, March 27 (5 – 7pm)

Parent Conferences are coming up soon! Teachers, please refer to this blog post for guidance on using ParentSquare to send sign-up information to families.

As we prepare for conferences, check out this blog post for effective strategies you can use this week to increase parent attendance.

Paraprofessionals: We are looking for Spanish-speaking paras to help with interpretation during conferences. You will be paid for your time. If you are interested, please let Cam know!

PLTs This Week (Vertical Teams & Observations Planning)

This week, PLTs will meet in vertical teams to finalize planning and provide feedback on planned questioning strategies. We will also schedule observations, which need to be conducted by March 28, 2025.

All teachers should bring a lesson they plan to focus on for the observation week. This time will be used to apply learning from the strategy study and receive feedback from PLT partners. Please refer to the chart below and plan accordingly. Coverages will be send out the day before.

* Please reach out to to an ILT member if you see a conflict or issue.

Personnel Updates

We are excited to welcome back Sydney Levan from maternity leave on Monday! A huge thank you to Carmella for stepping in and leading 206 over the past few months – your teamwork and flexibility have been greatly appreciated. With Sydney’s return to 206, Carmella will transition back to her math interventionist role starting tomorrow.

Additionally, we are happy to share that Michael Caufield will continue supporting various classes and small groups with math instruction until the end of April. We appreciate his willingness to adjust and his dedication to our students.

Finally, Nancy Ortiz is officially taking over 201 until Nina’s return at the end of April. Thank you, Nancy, for stepping into this role, and a big shoutout to the fourth-grade team for welcoming her, as well as to all the coaches and mentoring staff who have been providing ongoing support.

These updates truly reflect the strength of our school community and the dedication we have to ensuring our students receive the best possible support. Thank you all for your commitment!

Important Dates

  • 3/11/25 – Soko Staff Meeting (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
  • 3/14/25 – Trimester 2 Ends
  • Week of 3/17 – Common Writing Assessment #3: Math (Grades 3-4)
  • 3/19/25 – T2 Grades Due in X2
  • 3/19/25 – Early Release Day and STEM Fair for Grades 3 and 4
  • 3/21/25 – HOMies and World Down Syndrome Day School Meeting (1:50 – 2:30 p.m.)
  • 3/25/25 – Soko Staff Meeting (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
  • 3/27/25 – Parent Conferences Night (5:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
  • 3/28/25 – Send Report Cards Home
  • 4/1/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 1
  • 4/2/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 – Day 2
  • 4/3/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/4/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 3 Make Ups (Day 2/2)
  • 4/8/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 1
  • 4/9/25 – ELA MCAS Grade 4 – Day 2
  • 4/10/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 1/2)
  • 4/11/25 – ELA MCAS Make Ups (Day 2/2)

Spring Parent Conferences/Parent Square Sign Ups

Parent conferences are coming up!

Please begin thinking about organizing and planning for Parent Teacher Conferences which are on Thursday, 3/27 from 5-7.

Teachers will be using ParentSquare to set up appointments for parents to sign-up. Digital Literacy coaches put together step by step instructions for teachers on creating the appointment post. Information will also go out to parents (flyer and ParentSquare post) notifying them to expect an appointment signup from classroom teachers but also with directions, and videos on how to sign up for a time slot.

Please post the Parent Square signups by Monday 3/10 so parents have enough time to signup and make arrangements to attend. Reach out to Mercy if you have any questions or need support. Thank you!

Here are the slides:–PIly8c-LiVA0/edit?usp=sharing
Optional Images to use in post: 

ParentSquare Log

April Academy- Application Messaging

Good Morning Elementary Team,
I am writing to inform you that the April Acceleration Academy teacher applications are live and you can apply to join the team. This week is a fun and creative twist on the school experience that is rooted in projects and supports the reimagining of learning and what is possible in the classroom. It offers a chance to dive deeper into energized learning investigations and as demonstrated in our February Academies, almost 500 students chose to participate and experience the joy of deeper, hands-on learning and impactful relationships with their academy teachers.
If interested, you can apply here, and from there, the supervisors will reach out to set up interviews.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the supervisors for the Elementary School Acceleration Academy, Dan Camino and Ashley Boucher.
As always thank you for your effort to support students,

Alec Lapan, M. Ed. (he/him) (Why I share my pronouns)
Coordinator of Extended Learning, Chelsea Public Schools 
District Wide
Schedule a Meeting with mehere
C: 774.573.7813

Celebrating Women’s HERstory Month 2025

March is Women’s History Month. It’s a time to recognize the achievements, resilience, and contributions of women throughout history and in our own community. What began as Women’s History Week in 1980 has grown into a month-long celebration of the women who have paved the way for progress and those who continue to shape our world today.

At Sokolowski, we celebrate the strong, inspiring women who support and uplift our students every day. This month, we encourage our school community to learn about the impact of women in history, engage in meaningful discussions, and find ways to honor the women who make a difference in our lives.

Let’s take this time to reflect, appreciate, and celebrate the power and achievements of women in the past, present, and future!

Check out the Soko Virtual Library for read-alouds and biographies. The resources below can also help you brainstorm activities to integrate into lessons/units and spotlight women who educated and inspired generations.